October 13: What’s up at WWEC
October 13, 2015|Posted in: Uncategorised
Over the last few weeks WWEC has been hosting a Forms Clinic staffed by St Clair College students who are accompanied by a working Para Legal. This has caused increased traffic into the centre and that’s a good thing!
As well, we’re seeing an increase in the number of workers coming in for help from WWEC. For example, workers seeking advice on how to approach their board of director employer regarding an abusive supervisor, a worker injured in a vegetable packaging plant and now cut off from WSIB, a worker heading for mediation in appealing a decision by an Employment Standards officer, and we’re following up on a number of other worker issues that have come up over the summer.

We can run “Let’s talk About It” discussion sessions anytime. This poster was created by local graphic artist Jeff Hasulo for our 2014 campaign
Volunteer Outreach Coordinator Salem Berhane is working with several student volunteers out of the St Clair College Para Legal program and those with the VIP program at the University of Windsor. They are embarking on a number of projects for outreach to workers whose only protection is under the Employment Standards Act.
If you have any questions on work related issues, especially in non-unionized workplaces (we’ll talk to any worker with questions), please contact WWEC: Phone: 519 252 1212, Email: [email protected], and you can drop in between 9AM and 4PM at 328 Pelissier St., just south of University Ave.
Paul Chislett
Board president WWEC, member at large Social Justice Windsor District Labour Council. President, Global Resource Centre.
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