Migrant Dreams screened at Windsor International Film Festival
November 9, 2016|Posted in: Uncategorised
On Sunday Nov. 6th, the documentary Migrant Dreams screened at WIFF.
The film makers, workers featured in the film, and activists attended and the whole apparatus of the Temporary Foreign Worker program was examined by highlighting the lives of several women workers from Indonesia.
It was important to show this film in Windsor since the greenhouse owners have become wealthy largely on the backs of low waged workers who face racism, sexism, and denial of rights.
Local photographer Doug MacLellan imaged some of the activity at the theatre and later at the lunch provided for all involved in the film:

Workers & film makers greet at Capitol Theatre prior to screening Migrant Dreams
Paul Chislett
Board president WWEC, member at large Social Justice Windsor District Labour Council. President, Global Resource Centre.