Sep 19

September 19, 2018

Open House at 2034 Ottawa St

The Windsor Workers’ Education Centre is now housed with the Global Resource Centre at 2034 Ottawa St., Windsor, On., Canada. The Sewing Straight Lines Sewing Collective is a project of the GRC and the worker centre and the collective has kicked off with training classes with the aim of creating a worker run cooperative. Doug MacLellan provided this video: This article provides a brief primer of the #solidarityeconomy  

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Dec 7

December 7, 2017

Bill 148 The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 has been passed in the Ontario Legislature

After two years of consultations, rallies, advocacy, and hearings The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, Bill 148 will mean many positive improvements for workers in Windsor/Essex and Ontario as a whole. WWEC will be developing handouts in the coming weeks so workers know their rights. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact WWEC: [email protected] and 519 252 1212 The most recent news release is pasted below. Be sure to read information on details of some of…

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Jun 25

June 25, 2017

Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017

Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act (2017) is legislation with a direct effect on workers in Ontario – especially non-union workers whose only protection is the Employment Standards Act which Bill 148 will amend. The legislation comes out of the recent The Changing Workplaces Review process that took place over the last 2 years. The legislation is undergoing hearings conducted by the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs before it goes through a second reading in the legislature…

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Jun 19

June 19, 2017

WWEC denounces latest cut to adult education at the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board

It is with a sense of alarm and indignation that the Windsor Workers Education Centre publicly notes the deep cuts to the last vestiges of the St. Michael’s Catholic Adult High School programs in the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board. These programs have been used by the poorest and most vulnerable citizens. Of particular note is the termination of the Work Matters program that provided employment and independence to intellectually challenged adults. Replacing Work Matters in class, face to…

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May 24

May 24, 2017

Final Report of the Workplace Review Panel

It’s finally out. Here is a synopsis of the report provided by the Fight for 15 and Fairness Campaign Draft Review of CWR Recommendations Emergency Briefing May 31 at 5:00 pm The Fight for $15 & Fairness and the Ontario Federation of Labour will be convening a joint teleconference to share all available information. This teleconference will take place on Wednesday, May 31 at 5:00 pm and dial in numbers will be distributed shortly. Call WWEC if you would like…

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May 22

May 22, 2017


Greetings workers and WWEC supporters. We need your help. As we moved into 2017, we worked to increase our membership with outreach and a PayPal button on the website where supporters could make a one time donation or ongoing monthly contributions. Many sincere thanks to those who have made contributions. We also held a bowl- a -thon and a pasta sauce contest/dinner, both successful fundraisers. At this point, however, we are 3 months behind in our rent, and will be…

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Feb 1

February 1, 2017

WWEC Statement on US Travel Ban and Islamophobia

In the current political climate in the United States, workers have drawn into a dangerous narrative of blaming members of non-Christian religions, women, newcomers, and racialized people for problems of un/under-employment and a general sense of loss of entitlements that somehow takes away rights from white males.  We as Canadians are not, as horribly demonstrated by the Quebec City Mosque shooting, immune to this false narrative in Canada. The Windsor Workers’ Education Centre (WWEC) exists to educate and advocate for…

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Jan 5

January 5, 2017

Moving into 2017 at the Windsor Workers’ Education Centre

Greetings and Happy New Year! The Windsor Workers’ Education Centre (WWEC) was initiated by faculty and students in the Labour Studies Program at the University of Windsor in February, 2007. In 2008 that group acquired our current space at 328 Pelissier St. The centre relied on paid memberships and individual/institutional donations and was able to produce pamphlets on employment law, set up a phone referral service, organize direct actions and publicity campaigns, meet with workers on a variety of workplace…

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Dec 6

December 6, 2016

Holiday Party at WWEC

Holiday Party at WWEC: Dec 21 2016, 5-9PM Food, Refreshments, Raffle & space for vendors For more info call 519 252 1212

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Nov 9

November 9, 2016

Migrant Dreams screened at Windsor International Film Festival

On Sunday Nov. 6th, the documentary Migrant Dreams screened at WIFF. The film makers, workers featured in the film, and activists attended and the whole apparatus of the Temporary Foreign Worker program was examined by highlighting the lives of several women workers from Indonesia. It was important to show this film in Windsor since the greenhouse owners have become wealthy largely on the backs of low waged workers who face racism, sexism, and denial of rights. Local photographer Doug MacLellan…

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Peut-on prendre 2 pilules de viagra à la fois ?

Prendre deux pilules de Viagra à la fois n'est pas sûr et peut augmenter le risque d'effets secondaires. Il est recommandé de s'en tenir à la dose prescrite de 100 ...

Le Viagra peut-il être bénéfique pour la fonction pulmonaire et les problèmes respiratoires ?

Le sildénafil, communément appelé Viagra, a des effets bénéfiques qui vont au-delà du traitement de la dysfonction érectile chez l'homme. Il a été démontré qu'il améliorait la capacité d'exercice, la ...

Peut-on prendre du viagra si l'on est diabétique ?

Les hommes atteints de diabète peuvent souffrir de dysfonction érectile plus tôt et plus fréquemment en raison des dommages causés aux vaisseaux sanguins et aux nerfs. Des études ont montré ...

Peut-on prendre du viagra avec de la sertraline ou du zoloft ?

D'après les résultats de la recherche, il semble sûr de combiner le Viagra avec des antidépresseurs comme la Sertraline. Des essais cliniques ont montré que le Viagra peut améliorer divers ...

L'acupuncture peut-elle traiter les troubles de l'érection ?

L'acupuncture a fait l'objet de recherches en tant que traitement potentiel de la dysfonction érectile (DE). Des études ont montré que l'acupuncture peut améliorer la fonction érectile masculine et stimuler ...