WWEC, Windsor District Labour Council and making Waves Windsor Essex info booth in $15 and Fairness
April 14, 2016 | Posted in: Uncategorised
Windsor/Essex wants big changes to employment and labour laws: Ontario communities join April 15 Day of Action for $15 and Fairness
Windsor, On. April 13, 2016 – On Friday, April 15 labour and community organizations across Ontario are uniting to call for decent work. These actions are taking place in advance of the first report of the province’s Changing Workplaces Review. For over a year, two advisors appointed by the Ministry of Labour have been engaging Ontarians about needed changes to the laws that govern work and workplaces. Their first report is expected soon.
“Windsor/Essex workers have big expectations for this review,” said Paul Chislett, president of the Windsor Workers’ Education Centre. “That’s why WWEC is partnering with the Windsor District Labour Council, Ontario Federation of Labour, Making Waves Windsor Essex, and area workers with an information booth located at the corner of University Ave. and Victoria Ave. near both St Clair College and the University of Windsor downtown campuses.” Chislett adds that “Whether it’s recent and established newcomers trying to make ends meet on poverty wages, recent graduates struggling to pay student debt, or temp workers with no guarantee of hours – more and more workers are saying: ‘We need changes now!’”
The Fight for $15 & Fairness is calling for sweeping reforms, including fair scheduling; further regulating temporary agencies; investing in pro-active, public enforcement of employment laws; imposing meaningful fines for labour law infractions; legislating seven paid sick days; an end to degrading treatment in workplaces; easier access to unions and more. Central in the campaign is the demand for a $15 minimum wage for all workers, regardless of age, student status, job or area of work.
Windsor Community and labour groups are organizing an information booth:
Where: Southwest corner of University Ave & Victoria Ave.
When: 11:30AM – 12:30PM
Why: Fight for 15 and Fairness
Who: Windsor Workers’ Education Centre, Windsor District Labour Council, Making Waves Windsor Essex
Paul Chislett, Windsor Workers’ Education Centre, Ph: 519 252 1212 Email: Twitter: @workedcen
Brian Hogan, President, Windsor District Labour Council, Ph: 519 999 4418 Twitter: @WDLCWindsor